Sunday, September 21, 2008

100 pounds 100 miles

Have you ever had to carry something heavy for a long time? Something like a duffel bag, or back pack? Or ever worked for a long time? I remember once when I was in middle school and walked home I had to carry my backpack about three miles in the hot sun. It doesn’t sound that bad, but it was, and there was nothing I wanted to do more than sit down and take a rest, or get a cool glass of water. Our insecurity is like that. Insecurity, the “devils poison” as I call it, it sounds more like a plant name, but I think it is a good description. Insecurity comes from pride (I’ll try to write a post on pride later), and because of that connection it has the ability to cripple spirituality. It can get into your soul and spread like cancer until it changes you inside and out. Where does this heavy burden come from? Well many places, wrong treatment is the basic cause. Maybe you don’t have many friends and you feel bad. Or maybe someone was cruel to you and didn’t care. Or maybe everyone but you has that new thing, or went on that cool vacation. Well that gave you a burden, and insecurity comes into play when we leave that burden there, a “chip on the shoulder” as it is called. I’ve been there, and bless the person who hasn’t. It’s easy to feel bad for yourself, to say “poor me…..” but that is where we should never go. Forgiveness is the cure, to forgive. Forgiveness isn’t letting people walk on you, it’s acknowledging that they sinned, that you sinned, that God forgives all of us, and moving on. To say I forgive you, and months later getting mad over it is to live in the past. Jesus said to take His burden for it is light. Why is it light? Because His burden is one that forgives, one that loves. If we looked at every single person as a creation of God, and looked at them as God does we’d be way better off and a lot happier. This burden can’t be removed or changed by me, or any other person on the earth, it takes you, and God to take your burden off. Jesus died on that cross, and when He did He took your burden upon His shoulders, we aren’t meant to carry this heavy pack, so I say we take the backpack off our shoulders, sit down and take a cool drink of water.


Anonymous said...


Great post, and I love the symbolisim you used to end,, take off the burden and leave it at the cross, and the drink of water could mean the living water from Christ

Love Dad

mbpbooks said...

It's so true that insecurity makes us act differently and that forgiveness is the key. Thanks, Tyler.

The love of Jesus is a cool drink of water and that's much better than even an icy Diet Coke!