Sunday, July 31, 2011

More on Jonah

Didn’t think I’d be writing about Jonah this extensively, but then again, God does speak to us in new ways, so here is yet again another post on the book of Jonah. While the in the belly of the fish (or whale) Jonah prays to God in a psalm (at least, I think it’s a psalm) and in it he says in 2:8 “those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.” Pretty powerful stuff right, and also pretty harsh as well. It’s one of those things that you just have to sit back and think about. Think. What am I clinging to, what are you clinging to? Because whatever it is, compared to the grace of God it is worthless. There are so many things out there that we want, acceptance, fame, money, glory, clothes, admiration; the list really can go on and on. Added to that there are just as many ways we go about worshiping those things, and coping with the pain when we don’t get them. But in the end, they are all worthless! Why? That’s my question, why cling, why chase after these things when deep down we know they won’t fill us up, when you actually reach your goal you stop and look back and say “You know, I thought it would feel better than this.” Recently I’ve made a tough decision to “retire” from baseball. Why? Well I made the varsity team, this was my goal for four years, I trained and sweat and pushed myself and despite the odds made it. When I got to the top and looked back I said “You know, for all the work and effort, I thought I’d be happier.” Worthless idol, that’s what it was really, didn’t fill me up and instead left me only wanting more. What are you clinging to in your life? Whatever it is it’s keeping you from the grace of God that is all satisfying. That’s the devil’s whole plan, not like in the movies like The Omen where he goes out and kills people physically. No, instead all he tries to do is get you to put something up that takes the place of God in your life, to trick you into thinking a relationship with God doesn’t require work. That’s it really, to keep us from the grace and love of God that will truly satisfy us. I say this, don’t let him, cast those idols down and run to God and accept His love in its purest form. Don’t pull a Jonah and wait for a whale to swallow you to make you realize what you’re missing.

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