Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I wrote a post a while back, it must have been in July or August, about my summer reading book Tattoos on the Heart. I wrote about change, and how it all starts with you deciding enough is enough. Well I guess God wasn’t satisfied with me simply writing about it, so He let me learn the lesson myself. I’ve been in a bad way for the past couple months. I suffered a bad a year ago (look at my posts in August 2010) and blamed myself for it. Don’t ask me why, but I felt responsible. The thing is, when I look at my posts I see them brimming with hope, although I suffered I still had hope and trust founded in God. It was only in the past six months that I started to blame myself for what happened. The devil will use anything he can against us, but is favorite tool is ourselves. I was working against myself here, and I ended up allowing myself to take a time out while life began to pass me by. But change starts within us, it doesn’t begin outside and work its magic. Instead we have to initiate it. Now this can be hard, but God is there and He is willing to give us the strength. I was never at fault for what happened, but for some reason I allowed myself to be. Now if I want my life to improve, and move on then I need to initiate it because nothing is going to change if I don’t put the work in. If there’s one regret I have its allowing the devil to fool me into believing something that isn’t worth the time of day, but the good news is that I have plenty of my life to live from here on in freedom founded in my savior Jesus Christ.

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