Wednesday, April 11, 2012

We Need a Role Model

I have recently been asked to give the message for the next FCA meeting, considering that I am going to be leading the group next year I had better get used to it. My initial response was to say that I haven’t been as diligent about reading my Bible and had nothing to say. The words almost left my mouth but instead I said that I’d pray about it. I cracked open the book of Acts this morning which I recently began reading and came upon chapter 7 which recounts the stoning of Stephen. For some reason I began to ask why there aren’t many godly men like Stephen to look up to, why are the role models in our society often people who do bad things? When I was younger and lived at home I had mentors in my church, men who have walked with God that I could look up to. Here at Holy Cross I’ve been distanced from those role models in my life and have had to look elsewhere. It seems to me that the role model that is put forth by society is a very different one than God has in mind for us as Christians. The typical “cool” guy in college parties a lot, has a very active social life, and exudes confidence. Not that those things in themselves are bad, but are they everything to live for? Isn’t there something more? I’ve been down on myself lately because the choices I have made in my life push me towards the straight and narrow and forgo all the fun that most college kids seem to have. All Stephen cared about was proclaiming the Gospel and making God proud. It may not have been the most glamorous or pleasurable life, but it was a life worth living. Stephen can serve as a role model for us today, but the key to remember is that his role model was God. Anyone who puts God first in his life can serve as an example to others, that’s what were are called to do right? Jesus didn’t call us Christians the salt and light of the earth for nothing. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my life and where I am, and I’ve decided that instead of complaining I should be rejoicing. I have lived a blessed life and am extremely blessed to have a relationship with my Creator. Yeah I miss out on a lot, but in the end I’m not really missing anything that could ever math what God can provide for me.

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