Friday, June 29, 2012

It's Quite Simple

I recently finished Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper, and last Sunday’s sermon was very well timed with the book’s message (coincidence, I think not). I’ve been thinking a great deal about my relationship with God and my life. It can be easy to complain about the mundane; I am working in a boring internship, slumping in baseball, and struggling to find a suitable career in the world. I turn 19 soon, I’m not going to be a child anymore, soon I’ll be an adult with a job and hopefully a family of my own. But is that it? Am I just supposed to wake up every day at 6:00 (or 5:00 if I work out), then pass out in front of the Sox game every night? Gosh I hope that’s not it, and God showed me there is so much more. You see, we are all called to a higher purpose. God has a grand plan for us, mapped out before we are born. Can you imagine that, our lives are mapped out before we were a thought in our parents’ minds! It is quite easy to deviate from that plan though, to put making money in a dead end job above doing what we truly love, to do what we are “supposed to do” instead of what we are called to do. I could easily go to law school or business school and get a 9-5 job that pays well. That is what I am supposed to do with my college degree. What I want to do, and what I can worship God best in, is to write. Writing may not be the most successful career, but God called me to it. You see, you don’t have to be a missionary, or have a NY Times bestseller to serve God, to be famous in His eyes. All you have to do is live, live ever moment for God. Live ever second of your life with the passion and love God shows to us, and reveal it to others. People always wonder what the “meaning of life is” for some reason it is the quintessential philosophic question. I think it is rather simple: we are here for God, He made us to worship Him, serve Him, and tell the world about Him. How we do it is up to our talents and gifts, but the end result is incredible no matter what you do.

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