Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Thank You God

One thing that I forgot to add about what we have learned thus far about God is that He is invested in His creation. He may not play a vocal role in our lives but he is always working behind the scenes to bring about His plan. He directly led Abraham, yet indirectly led Joseph—in both accounts God is working.

God has been working in my own life too, and has been answering many of my prayers and those of my friends. Often when things happen to us we do not understand, yet something as simple as a bedtime meditation can reveal God’s plan for our lives.

Ever since the fall semester began I have been saying to myself that I do not deserve to lead FCA. I am not “good enough” or qualified enough to be a spiritual leader. Surely there are other people better than me! The problem with my frame of mind is that it is extremely selfish—I am only focusing on what I can do alone, not on what God can do through me. Last year I went through an extremely taxing ordeal; it was something I allowed to derail my faith and cause me to lose focus on what I am here for.

I used to look up at God in frustration and exhaustion and ask “WHY?” I now realize something: God allowed that pain and frustration to prove a point to me: that I cannot do everything on my own. I am merely a human, without God I am nothing. Without God I can kiss my writing ability goodbye for it was this blog that got me to love writing. Without God I can say goodbye to my strength and resolve, and all my dearest friends and family. Without God I have nothing, yet for a while I thought that it was all me.

I went into school thinking “I’ve got a blog, I’m a good person, I can quote scripture—heck I can do anything.” I can’t do “anything” though, and I had to find that out the hard way. Why me God? Well because you saw good in me, because you saw my love for you beating in my heart yet you also saw pride and that had to be extinguished. I was a proud man, now I am a humble one. I know when to ask for help because frankly, we all need it. I know when to ask for prayer because I can’t be the only one praying, we need others to pray for us.

So much of what we do is dependent on God, and on others. Ask yourself: what have you really done completely on your own. You may say “well I overcame addiction, or saved a friend’s life…” But was it not God acting through you? I am not the leader of FCA because of some special merit, I am the leader of FCA because God made me so. I firmly believe that, and you know what I thank Him for what happened last year. Had I not lost my way I would not realize I was lost, and thus could never be found. Better to be a broken man who is humble than a broken man who is pride, for now God can do His good work in me, and allow me to help others.

Remember that: it’s not always about you, we need to use God’s love to help others who need it. 

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