Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Time to Start a New Journey

I must say I find it odd that I haven’t been blogging at all. And I find it odd that I find that odd; after all I do have the power, time, and ability to blog why should I be falling off. It is interesting, in my times of despair I did nothing but blog, it was easy I had so much to say. Now that the smoke has cleared and I have reached a level state of happiness I find myself coming up short.

I will be moving soon and so the time has come to sift through all my belongings to decide what stays and what doesn’t. As I’ve been going through my belongings I have gotten a chance to look through my extensive collection of books. What I have found is interesting: I have three Bibles and countless books of theology. I have the “tools” to learn, but my recent drought of blogging is a result of not using them. It’s as if I have a membership to a gym, and go there but do nothing while expecting to get stronger.

I have been immensely busy this summer, but no matter what my business may be throughout the day, my dedication to growing towards God must be number one. Sure I have found a moment of peace and find myself to be more successful and happy then ever, but I’m not blogging, I don’t really have the joy that I need. Sure I’m very happy, but do I have joy? What if one thing should go wrong, how will I react then without the strength and fortitude that I’ll need? I passed the test, but it is not the last.

And so I promise you this, I’m going to get my nose in a book and my thoughts toward Heaven. Sure I can waste each day focusing on the daily business of life, but there is more than this and I intend to rediscover it.

1 comment:

David C Brown said...

"If therefore ye have been raised with the Christ, seek the things [which are] above, where the Christ is, sitting at [the] right hand of God: have your mind on the things [that are] above, not on the things [that are] on the earth", Colossians 3: 1,2.