Friday, October 16, 2009

Watching with Anticipation

Faith is a lot like baseball. I was thinking about faith after finished “Faith and Doubt” by John Ortberg and I thought about the movie “Back to the Future II”. In the movie Marty and Doc. travel to the year 2015 and while there Marty buys a sports almanac book. So, you could conclude that Marty would know who won the World Series in 2004. In today’s society we like to have certainty, I often get shot down for my beliefs because I “can’t prove it”. In 2004 the Sox were down 3-0 to the Yankees, 86 long years looked like it was about to turn into 87 when something amazing happened, the Red Sox went on to win not only the next 4 to beat the Yankees they also won 4 after that to sweep the Cardinals. While Red Sox fans sat with anticipation, having faith that despite the odds the Sox could win, Marty already knew. Ever watch a replay of a game when you already know the score? I always stop when my team scores all the runs that it will, I know the outcome so why bother? It’s like that in life. We don’t know the outcome, things look bad, we can be down 3-0, but we don’t know the end of the story. Imagine if we knew for sure that God existed, I mean 100% knowledge no doubt whatsoever. Well, what would the point of life be, I mean if what’s the point of living down here if for 70 years (give or take) if all we are doing is waiting to go to Heaven? I’m not saying doubt is exciting, it can be downright terrifying, but without faith life and even worship becomes meaningless. Anyone can watch 9 innings when they know their team will win in the end, it takes faith and trust to watch 9 innings where the ending is unknown.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You never cease to amaze me with your insights, wow I never thought of it this way,, What if we were 100% sure God exisited,, how would we live our life,, would we sit around waiting to go to heavan or would our life on earth be a mission to save everyone we could.. Think of the courage of the apositles,, what they had to endure,,think of Peter, and Paul,, pretty safe to say that they were 100% sure that God existed.
