Friday, July 20, 2012

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's You

Last night my friends and I went to a special midnight premier of the Batman trilogy with the final movie playing at 12:01 am (the first played at 6:00pm). I don’t want to spoil it for you, but see the movie when you get a chance it is nothing short of spectacular. This post isn’t going to be about the genius of Christopher Nolan though, or the sheer awesomeness (no better word to describe it) of the gadgets and special effects. No, this post is about a thought I had while sitting in the dark theater for 9 hours. I found myself asking why we enjoy superhero movies so much. Think about it, what is so attractive about the story of a man (or woman) gifted with a special power? I realized that the desire for that story is very simple; we want it to be true. There is something about seeing someone act so selflessly that inspires us. We desire a world where someone, anyone really, would step up and combat against the evil in our society. We want a batman, spiderman, or superman. What we fail to realize is that we all have the power to make such a difference. We may not all be able to shoot web from our wrists or be close friends with a weapons developer, but we can make a difference in our own way. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my life, and what it means to be a Christian. It’s not enough to just go to church and toe the line. I need to do good. Not just the Boy Scout “good deed” nonsense about being a nice person. I want to do good for God, I want to live for God and spread His righteousness around me. In living for God every moment, in obeying His will every moment we can make a difference, we can bring joy to our lives. You don’t have to fight a muscled anarchist like Bane to matter in God’s eyes, you just have to follow His commands and spread His love to everyone you see. I used to think that to live a true Christian life I had to become a missionary or pastor but that simply isn’t true. Even in writing this simple blog I provide a service, I make a difference no matter how minute. So what will you do, allow life to slip away or stand up for what is right and live in godliness? You don’t need a mask or a costume to do it, you just need to accept the love of God and His will.

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