Sunday, July 15, 2012

Pick your Battles

Ever found yourself engaged in a really dumb argument of fight? Unfortunately, that happens to me all the time. Maybe it’s all the Sicilian in me that won’t budge or give in on any issue, but sometimes I just open my big mouth and let if fly when I disagree on something no matter how minute. It’s probably one of my biggest flaws and something I really need to work on, especially after reading this verse from 2 Timothy. Paul writes to Timothy in 2:23-24 “don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.” Next time I get steamed and feel like opening my mouth I’ll keep that in mind. In the end, what is it all really worth? Sometimes you need to pick your battles and let things go, sometimes I need to tell myself that too. It’s not just an anger thing, it has to do with pride. It’s the whole “how can I let him treat me like that? How can I let him think he’s right?” What does it matter though? There are no scorecards in Heaven when it comes to how many times you “won.” Does this mean we are to be submissive and let everything go? No, God calls us to stand up for what is right, but little else. There is no point in getting in an argument about whether Ortiz or Gonzalez is better, whether Jim or John is smarter, whether the Republicans or the Democrats are right. What really matters is our God who sent His son as our Savior, all else falls short in importance.

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