Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Here we are, the much awaited Christmas day. I want to take a little time to wish everyone a merry Christmas, and ask you all to do the same. Last night my pastor gave a great message about a village somewhere in Paraguay that built instruments out of trash. These people literally lived on a landfill, and this man came in and showed them the gift of music. The village had no instruments though, but the man worked with the people and built cellos, violins, and pretty much everything else so that they could play. I could not believe my ears, it sounded like I was at the Boston Pops—well not really, but it was pretty darn good. I’ll find a link and post it here so you can see for yourself. Anyway: the point of the story is that the man came into this village shrouded in despair and brought it joy. That is the best gift of all, and that is the gift we are given in our Savior Jesus. I watched the Nativity story this year with my family, and the most touching moment is when the shepherd comes to see the baby Jesus, and he has tears in his eyes. The man was so overcome by joy, years waiting for relief from the pain and here it is. We live in a fallen world, I’ve had to think about that more now than ever. I too am fallen, we all are—no one is immune to our sinful nature. But Jesus came to our world to save it, to save us. I wish you a merry Christmas, and ask you to do the same. The world needs a little Christmas, we need a Savior to come down and grant us peace. The world did not end on 2012, and I don’t really know when Jesus will come down to do it Himself, but I do know that we can do our little part by making the world around us a better place. What can you do to share God’s love? What can you do to share your joy? Christmas may be one time a year, but every day is a chance to share the gift of God’s love with others, for the next 365 days as we wait for this blessed day try to share your gifts with those around you.

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