Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thinking Of Christmas and Genesis

I realize that I have yet again slacked in my writing efforts. I started a new internship yesterday and was exhausted after a long day’s work, so I readily admit that I have dropped the ball. I finished the story of Noah’s Ark this morning, and find myself think about Christmas. Yes, a story in Genesis sparked my thoughts towards the birth of Christ.
            When I wrote my last post I was troubled by recent events; in fact, many events have caused me to question God “why are people the way they are?” Why are people so cruel to those around them, why do people hurt innocents without a thought to the pain they cause. I have had some unfortunate experience in this area, and it has caused me great pain and confusion. Reading the story of Noah’s Ark, I think we can all relate in some way. Noah was a good man surrounded by evil, the men of the earth were so evil that God decided to start over. Imagine that, God be so distressed that He decides to wipe everything off the slate and start anew. We can feel like that, can’t we? Good men and women in a world of evil, where bad people get away and good people suffer.
            That is what Christmas is for, that is why Jesus came. God gave us a Savior because we need saving. Our world is flawed, and we need a perfect savior to come in and intervene. No more starting over, no more dying; we are given that fresh start in Jesus’ sacrifice. It gives me immense joy to dwell on that one fact: that I am saved. The world can throw its worst at me, but I am saved by God, protected by His ultimate sacrifice. There are many times where I am in great pain and distress, but that cannot keep God’s grace and saving power from me. In the beginning God had to destroy evil to save the world, in Jesus He confronted it and died to save us.
            It is human nature to be inherently sinful, but through Jesus we can be brought back inside God’s grace. Never forget that fact, and never lose hope. Though we may see great injustice around us, this is not all there is. We are living for something so much more. On that night 2000 ago a baby wasn’t just born rather, a King had come back to save His people. This Christmas try to dwell on that for a moment it is easy to focus on presents or good food, but try to take a few minutes to pray and reflect on what the birth of Christ really means to you.

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