Friday, December 14, 2012

Prayers to the Newtown Community

My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone either in, or related to the tragedy in Newtown Connecticut. It is times like this that can cause us to question our world, and even our faith. Why would God allow this? That seems to be a theme among facebook posts today. The answer, unfortunately, is that we do not know. I do not have the answers to the suffering in the world, if I did life would be a heck of  a lot easier. But I do know this: God is just, and He loves us. God has not forgotten the families affected today, and He will not forget them in the future. We live in a fallen world, corrupted by sin, evil, and pain. That is why Jesus came down to earth, because we are desperately in need of saving. I have faith in God’s love, and know that even though tragedies like these may plague us He has not forgotten about us and He will deliver us. I pray for the families today, that they may have strength and that God may turn their sorrow into good. Evil may corrupt our world, but God’s power can take a bad event and bring brightness out of it. 

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