Monday, November 17, 2008

White as Snow

One thing that always gets me is God’s unconditional love and grace. The fact that He sees everything we do, every righteous and sinful act is seen by God. From the time we were born on to now God has seen our entire lives, every sin we committed, every time we were dishonest or mean He has seen it all. But the amazing thing is despite this fact He loves us anyway! His love never runs out, His supply of grace never diminishes; He loves us just the same. God forgives us in an odd way we couldn’t understand. While we get angry and “need time to forgive” God never hesitates He never says no, the Bible says “’Though your sins are like scarlet they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson they shall be like wool’” Isaiah 1: 18. Our souls have been stained by sin, big splotches are spread out for God to see, but here He tells us that they shall be as white as snow. Have you ever looked at the snow on a winter morning when the sun is shining on it and walked inside and everything seems dark? It is so bright that we need to squint to look at it; and that is what God can make us, that is what He will do! I am not saying God doesn’t like sin, and am no way saying sin is okay, we are not to sin, and definitely not to use God’s grace as a free pass through life, but we are told that even though we sin, even though we mess up at times we are still loved and treasured by God.

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