Sunday, October 31, 2010

Boston Night of Worship

This past Friday I attended the Boston Night of Worship at the Aganis Arena at BU. I wish I had taken pictures but the place was so big and full of people that I felt I couldn’t capture the whole experience in one picture; it would take multiple images strung together. But I did walk away with many reactions, the most prominent one being awe. Imagine walking into a giant arena packed with people, so loud the sound literally hits you, that’s no joke I could feel the sound of the music and cheering. It was an amazing experience that unfortunately is not that common, to be honest, in my own life I don’t get excited about the Gospel like I should. When you sit down and think about it, the Gospel is amazing; to think that God came down to earth to suffer in our place to make us right with Him, that really is something to cheer about. Another part of that awe is that this place was packed with people from all over New England; it didn’t matter if you were Catholic or Protestant, rich or poor, democrat of republican, all that mattered was you were a believer and you were there. I felt that being there was what God really desires from the church, not a place based on regulations and denominations but a house of worship where people of all backgrounds can gather together with one common purpose, to praise God. It was a great experience and I highly recommend going next year.

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