Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Final Thoughts on Jeremiah

I have finished reading Jeremiah and have a few thoughts. I haven’t written much about Jeremiah, mainly because it can be pretty harsh and not many people (myself included) jump for joy at harsh messages/posts. But really when you boil it down it’s God asking the people of Israel to make a choice: Him or whatever else they want. And while grace is readily available in the end it comes down to a choice. Choose God or the world. And that grace is meaningless when you accept it but ignore the message behind it by leaving God. God’s love is limitless, there is no doubt about that, yet the main message of Jeremiah is this: I still love you but as evidenced by your actions you don’t love me and if you don’t love me this won’t work. It sounds simple and it is and it astounds me that the people of Israel never seemed to get it. But then, do I get it either? While there is no chance that I’ll ever be perfect do I too accept grace and love but ignore it through sin? In the end it’s a choice, and that choice is not perfection or imperfection. Instead it is striving to live for God or living as you were. That’s the point and that is what God asks in Jeremiah. He’s not saying “You sinned so I’m leaving.” He’s saying “You left me, now I know where we stand.” I guess with a deeper look the message of Jeremiah is not as harsh as it is brutally honest, at times emphasis on the brutal. God still loves us but a decision has to be made, God or world. Perfection is not the point; it’s your intentions behind your actions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen T

Like you said it is our choice, God or the World

James 4:4
Friendship with the world is hatred towards God