Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Can You Spot the Difference?

I’ve been meaning to write a post very similar to this one a long while back but never did. I was sitting in church and the pastor said something very interesting about how the temple was operated and I thought “Hey that would make a great post” but I recently found a new passage of scripture and thought “Hey, why not make it a little more original instead of verbatim of what my pastor said.” I recently started re-reading the Bible from the beginning and am in the middle of the story of Abraham. Abraham was a great guy, he was wealthy and for all I know perfectly content where he was, but he knew that there was more to life and he took a giant leap of faith and followed God. While he did falter along the way (hey, he’s human) his faith was “credited to him as righteousness”. While Abraham was a great example of faith his wife Sarah definitely had a few moments where she just simply didn’t understand fully. We can empathize for here can’t we? How many times have I “not gotten it”? The example I’m mainly thinking of is in Genesis chapter 18, verses 1-15, it’s a big passage so I’ll give you the gist. Basically Abraham and Sarah are really old and childless so God works on His own timetable and tells Abraham that his wife will miraculously give birth at an old age. Sarah overhears this and laughs to herself, but when God questions her she says “I did not laugh” but God replies “Yes, you did laugh.” There are times in life when on the outside when people are looking we make sure to act “real good”, but in private we kind of drop the ball. There have been times in my life when in the comfort of my own home I fall a bit lower of the standards that God sets than outside when under public scrutiny. And how much more is the difference between church and our weekday lives! Abraham was not perfect, but he made sure that the only difference between his weekdays and Sunday mornings was the change of clothes. While the week is half way over I challenge myself, and you, to be the same every day, to have no separation of church-you and world-you

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