Friday, September 5, 2008

Squares don't fill up circle holes

You know those squares with shaped holes that kids have? The ones where kids try to put the right shapes in the right holes? You know how a kid will keep trying to fit the square in the circle? He’ll keep trying to fit it in, but the corners don’t fit right, there is still empty space. He may be able to budge it, but it still doesn’t seem right. After a number of tries of several shapes kid eventually puts the circle in the circle. We can be like that, and this may be the only time I’ll say we either are or were like that (even I was like that). Our hearts (not the ones beating in our chest) have a God shaped hole in them. God made each and every one of us with a God shaped hole in our hearts that He waits to fill. As we grow older and as we learn about God it is my hope that we choose to fill our hearts with Him. But sometimes we go through life without God, and as we grow older that hole becomes more evident. The hole become evident because it is what keeps us whole (sorry for the bad pun, but I couldn’t resist and I get a kick out of it). So any way (after I get a laugh) we tend to fill that hole with things. You spend two hundred dollars at the store, it fills you up. You spend two hours washing your car and admiring it, it fills you up. You watch three hours of T.V., it fills you up. But while you’re filling up all that amounts to is a square in a circle, there are empty spaces, at the end of the day you examine yourself and your life and you feel empty. It’s like filling a cup full of ice at the end of the day it melts into half a cup of water. Only God can fill that hole in your heart, nothing else can. You may think everything’s alright but when a storm comes where is your shelter? I’m not saying things are bad, I like my new camera, I like to watch the Red Sox, but I always try to make sure they don’t go into the hole, I always try to make sure they aren’t center stage. An idol isn’t always a statue of a guy with nose rings there are hidden idols all around us. Just remember there is a hole that God fills to make you whole (sorry again for the bad pun). Remember squares don’t fill up circle holes, they only block them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You wrote this almost two years ago and it is still one of my favortie post.
