Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm Sick and Tired of Hearing how Good a Team the Rays Have...

To start off, if you don't get the title you missed a very funny beginning to Opening Night, google search josh sacco miracle speech at fenway. On a more serious note, I know there must be a lot of these circulating on the web now, but here’s another round of “Let’s complain about the Red Sox. Tay Tay come on down.” So I watched the game today and all I can say (with extreme sadness) is that yesterday I thought the Red Sox couldn’t play any worse and today they proved me wrong. I’m not going to lie watching them was downright painful; Hermida and especially Bill Hall looked like they never played a game in outfield, Lackey was slapped around, and the offense was just plain ugly. While on the subject of offense it’s been non-existent for the past few games now, it’s like once a guy gets on base the players forget that they are trying to get a hit. What I don’t get is why they aren’t bunting, today in the first inning there was a guy on first and second, one out, Bill Hall is up and he pops up to the second baseman – why not bunt the runners over and get two guys in scoring position? When watching “The Family Man” becomes more appealing than watching a Sox-Rays game you know something is amiss. All I’ll say is that if the Sox don’t shape up, then they better ship out the bad players (Ortiz, Hall) and cash in on some good ones (Gonzalez). Currently here’s my projected finish in the AL East Yankees, Rays, Red Sox, Blue Jays, Orioles, if the Sox keep playing like they are now then they’ll be watching not playing in October.

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