Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Amazing World We Live In

I’m not a fan of the whole “logical proof for God” because no amount of logic or factual evidence can replace faith and trust. That aside here are a few thoughts I had on the amazing complexity of our world. In physics there are these constants that factor into equations that can be used in a variety of ways to describe the motion of planets, electricity, and the theory of relativity. If one of these constants were changed to 1% yes that is one percent, the universe would be inhabitable. If just one were changed the slightest bit life would not exist, not even as we know it, it just would not be possible to survive anywhere. Think about the odds, it would be like me trying to type a post by tapping random keys hoping it would be coherent writing, by chance a few words would appear but certainly not what I would want to say.

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