Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Summer Challenge

With the beginning of my summer comes a brand new challenge. I was invited by a former youth pastor to join the G90X challenge. Many have heard of P90X, but this challenge focuses on the body and heart (spiritually speaking). I thought about making easy goals, but how does that improve me? As my old baseball coach said, “if you are not getting stronger, then you are getting weaker!” (imagine hearing that while lifting in the gym at 6:00 am!). Anyway, to keep me honest to my goals and to actually follow through with this, I am posting them here and will be writing any updates/developments/struggles that I have. For the body, I will work out 5 days a week, I will lift 3 days and do cardio 2 days (or switch it up and focus on cardio). For the heart I will read 3 chapters of the Bible a day, memorize 1 verse a week, and spend 30 minutes in prayer a day. These goals will be very hard to follow through on, but as with all things that require work/effort they are well worth it. I will improve my physique (which has gotten gradually worse with stress, bad food, and lack of exercise) for baseball, and grow closer to my Creator. Well, here we go, challenge accepted.

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