Friday, May 4, 2012

He's all that Matters

I really need a better first sentence than “When I read my Bible this morning something stood out to me,” but that’s all I’ve really got as a starter. Perhaps over the summer my goal should be to come up with a rotation of openers to my posts to keep it interesting, anyway, I’m getting off topic. As I continue trudging through Acts (reading isn’t the correct term anymore as I have been falling behind often). I was reading chapter 20, and verse 22 really spoke to me this morning. Paul is speaking to the Ephesian elders and leaves them with a simple message. Before leaving he says “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish eh race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the Gospel of God’s grace.” That’s really cool, not in a  “skater-dude” way but in that it’s an amazing outlook to have. This sentiment is not found often. I used to think that I had to play baseball to have a good life, or be really smart, or meet the girl of my dreams. But all that stuff is just, well, stuff. It’s worthless in the end. When I grow old and die (yeah morbid, I know) what will it all have done for me? The only lasting thing is God; His grace is the only possession that matters and can carry through any storm. At 18 I already feel like I wasted my life, imagine if God spoke these words to me in my 40’s? But the great thing is that is never too late. No matter how late you start, every moment spent for God matters more than any hour spent on the world. Today, and going forward of course, put God at the top. Look to Him as your supreme source of strength and hope, and live a life dedicated to Him. Life is short enough as it is (even shorter in college), why waste in on things that will pass with the rest of the world? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You are correct, all those other things in life are nice but none of them are as important as our relationship with our creator and savior.

love Dad