Friday, March 8, 2013

Next Stop

The next stop in my great literary journey will be C.S. Lewis' The Problem of Pain. Just having come from a period of five months during which I felt nothing pain and still bearing such scars, I feel it right that I examine what Mr. Lewis has to say on the subject. It's a short book, but with C.S. Lewis I take my time so as to absorb everything. Stay tuned for my thoughts as I read through and try to understand the human condition and suffering a bit more clearly. Being no stranger to hardship and struggle I have written on the subject numerous times, however all of my posts up to now respond to the pain of loss and pain of hardship, none respond to the pain of personal struggle or loneliness. It seems that a new thought process will be come a bit clearer as my break winds down. It's a great thing and something I miss, having a mind free to explore and stretch out a bit. At school I am so regimented and strict with what I do and think about that it carries over into my breaks. I miss those days where I could read some Lewis, then Augustine, and then the Bible (where it all comes from) and try to ask and answer my own questions. All the while cooking new recipes and playing baseball, of course!

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