Monday, April 15, 2013

Prayers for today

Prayers to everyone today. I got the news right after I had gotten out of class and while my biggest worries were homework and upcoming tests, things like this really put life in perspective. I always heard about stuff happening in other cities and states, but Boston has always been a safe place to me. Sure any city has crime, but nothing this has happened, at least to my immediate recollection. It really shakes me up to think that a place I visit all the time, walk around with ease, that this happened there. I'm praying for everyone affected, whether you lost a family member, saw one get hurt, or still have trouble locating people know that I will be praying for you. At times like this we are harshly reminded that this is a fallen world, but try to remember that there is a God out there who is good, who loves us, and who will protect us. Don't lose faith, use this tragedy to grow it.

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