Monday, December 1, 2008

What Really Happened That Night?

I think I’ll start with the easy question which is ‘what really happened that night?’ which was actually in late spring not December. Well there’s the obvious answer, Jesus was born but I think around this time of year we sometimes miss that amazing yet simple fact. The amazing thing is that it’s not just Jesus but God’s son, the savior and that his birth down to the place and time was predicted hundreds of years before (pretty cool). In Isaiah there are tons of prophecies, some about the virgin birth, his name, his lineage, and what will happen to him. The amazing thing is Isaiah gives more description to Jesus’ looks than any of the gospels! But the really amazing thing (at least I think it’s amazing) is the simple fact that God came down to earth. When Jesus was born the Israelites were oppressed by the Roman Empire (but I’m Italian so go easy on them) and the prophets haven’t spoken for about 500 years. Imagine that, you’re used to hearing God’s voice and then a silence, but God does one better, He comes down to earth. Another thing that amazes me is the fact that God stepped down. God in all His glory stepped down to become a human, to live by our “rules.” Jesus felt hungry, thirsty, He grew up, and He felt pain to name a few. Something amazing happened that night, God stepped down to be with us, Jesus came down so that He may die to save us from our sins. That was what happened that night; there were no fancy meals, no trees or wreaths for Jesus. He did not wake up to the sound of a fire crackling and go down to see presents from all His relatives. He was born into a world of sin that was already against Him and His only gifts were from faraway astrologers. An amazing thing happened that night, and thirty three years later on one morning we were given the greatest gift ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


What a great post to reflect on as we prepare for the Christmas.
Love Dad