Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Another New Year's Resolution?

One guy that stands out to me in the Old Testament is Balaam. Balaam is not your typical prophet; he was a sorcerer and changed his ways when God spoke to him. The change seemed genuine until he told the Moabites how to ruin Israel. The thing about Balaam that jumps out is how he can compare to us today, and even me. Balaam fell away from God because of his greed, he used to be a sorcerer; he was used to getting money for his services getting paid for everything he did. God didn’t pay Balaam and neither did Balak the Moabite king. Balaam didn’t realize that the true reward in obeying God isn’t money but life. As I look back on the year I can identify myself with Balaam, there are a lot of instances where I used my “world vision” instead of obeying God’s commands. We all do this. Balaam’s sin was greed, he was used to being paid with cash for his services and when he wasn’t he returned to his sin. As I’ve said before the world can be like a pair of sunglasses that dim our view, they block in the light of God’s power and love. I never liked those New Year’s resolutions but I am going to make one right here for all of us. In 2009 I am going to try to take off my sunglasses and obey God’s commands. I’ll also do my best to not be like Balaam, and understand that the reward in obeying God is a life with Him and that will outlast the physical benefits of my sin. Balaam didn’t understand God, he didn’t want any part in His plan, he continued with his sin and that led to his death in an Israelite raid. In 2009 I encourage everybody to focus on our true reward, a new life in our walk with God. Hebrews 12:2 “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus.”

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