Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What Are We To Do?

One issue that had hindered my faith in the past was a common one, why are there so many religions in the world? In my English class we read books about many different cultures, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, secular it really struck me how people were so strong, so sure of a different belief; I guess you could say I wondered why do they believe in that as strongly as I believe in this? Well this problem grew until it prevented me from truly believing like I had in the past. Well I decided to do some research I read up on the major religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, my research came up with some surprising facts. One thing we forget (especially those who say all the religions are true) is that these five religions are amazingly different. Islam believes in an impersonal harsh god who is not as Christians call, a fatherly figure. Hinduism and Buddhism believe in an impersonal god who is not really in a specific place but more in each of us and the world, they also believe that one can believe in as many gods as they desire. They also say that there is no such thing as sin, and in order to become enlightened we must distance ourselves from suffering. Judaism and Christianity believe in a loving God who is righteous, perfect, personal, and a judge. Christianity takes the extra step to say that He loves us and desires us so much He sent His son to save us. What stands out the most is this, we live in a world that is good, we love each other, we (try to) adhere to a moral law that is not our own, but there is something horribly wrong with the world, one look at the news will prove that. Every day we here of good people suffering and bad people living relatively happy lives, but why? Christianity gives us a look at the world as it is: good gone bad. It tells us of a loving creator a fatherly God (why would we love each other so much if our creator didn’t love?) who created a good world and lost it to the devil. Christianity, I believe, gives us the most accurate image of our world and history. I know I wrote about how logic/ reason can’t be the sole reason to believe but I find looking at what we have sure does help a lot.

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