Saturday, August 8, 2009

Why Does God Step Back?

I had a thought, now I could be wrong but this is just a thought I had. I think one of the reason’s God took a few steps back from my life is not only to help me grow but to teach me that this is what it feels like to have Him out of my life, it’s like God was saying “Hey Tay Tay, wake up! This is where you’ll be headed if you keep on sinning! This is what a life without Me looks like!” If I am right I thank God for His grace and mercy to show me how awful life is without His presence in my life, and maybe that is part of the growth. Think, when God takes a step back we learn to trust Him and have truer faith in Him; we learn to thrive on real belief and not just a “religious feeling”. Then we learn what life without Him looks and feels like and we choose Him and His will for us when we come back. A life without God is a terrible way to live; I think God wanted me to see that before my sin took me there. When God steps back it’s not that He doesn’t love us, it’s because He loves us that He does; He could baby us all our lives and give us the spirituality of a new believer, or have us grow and truly know who He is and have a lasting relationship with Him. Like I said before faith is not true faith until it is tested, when a storm comes only the strongest will get through it and that is true faith.


Anonymous said...


Very well said, as a father I know we can tell our kids the downside of doing the wrong thing and sometimes we have to experience it to learn. We have all been there, when God feels like he is a billion miles away, I never thought about how God might use this feeling to let us understand how sin can seperate us from him and what that feels like.

Great post

love dad

Anonymous said...

Very thoughtful and honest post. Thanks for sharing. Take heart that all Christians go through this!

It's probably worth differentiating two kinds of stepping back, though.

When people insist on "having it their way" and going against the natural order for how God set up His universe and his laws, He ultimately respects their free will and at some point just cuts them loose, saying, essentially: OK, go for it. Have it your way. In those cases, God is both angry and sorrowful that the person has walked away, but He will not force them to love him because such a love would be false.

I seriously doubt that's what he's doing in your case, T! :) Though it's always worth praying about, of course.

The other way He steps back, in my experience, is more akin to the situation in which a parent begins to trust his child with more responsibility. The parent needs to step back and let the child do new things in order for the child to grow and learn.

In that case, the parent may not feel present to the child in the same way as before (not holding the toddler's hands, not sitting in the psssenger's seat during driving lessons, etc.) but he is.

The child, at first, doesn't believe himself ready for the new responsibility. The parent knows better. The parent is smiling with joy at the child's growing maturity, knowing how much the child is about to develop. The parent's feeling about the child in that second case could not be more different than in the first.