Monday, September 14, 2009

Once Again

I feel there is a need for an apology. I know I already wrote one but this is a somewhat longer and better explanation. For the past few weeks I’ve been going through a writer’s block. I’ll have a great idea and then sit down at my computer and the post doesn’t come out well or I don’t word it well or express my idea. All I know is that I need to organize my thoughts and hopefully put them down coherently. Anyway I’m sorry for my severe lack of posting. Some quick thoughts: I’ve come a long way from my posts in May about how I don’t know anything so that is good, hopefully soon I can write a good deal about that. Also I am going to write down and organize a set of posts on 1 John, and also the Sox are doing pretty well lately, I’m sure they have a chance in the Wild Card.

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