Saturday, September 5, 2009


Sorry for my lack of posting in the past week, I’ve been going through a lot lately and have been thinking a lot so I didn’t have much time to write. I have a few topics I really want to write about, they are 1 John, the Gospels, and the third, developing a relationship with God ties into what I will write about 1 John. I’ve been thinking a lot about faith and what it means, and will write about that also. One thing I will say now is this, when we become Christians it’s not like God hands us a golden ticket to Heaven and that’s it, there is much more left to do, faith isn’t just plain belief in God and His Son, it’s the series of choices in our lives that follow that, in other words, faith isn’t saying “yes” to God in our minds, it’s saying “yes” to God and “no” to the devil in our actions. This is very hard, it’s hard to completely surrender our lives, but fortunately God is very patient, and He helps us.


Anonymous said...

Amen T bone

I need to remember to surrender to Christ daily, and it is so hard to do and even more difficult when things are going well. Thanks for the reminder.

joyful-reality said...

I've been told "faith" is often a verb: faithing, acting in accordance with beliefs; otherwise we show that we aren't that convinced ourselves. Note to self: Ouch, that hurts! Take your own advice, Witness4Peace!

Tay Tay said...

Joyful-reality, thank you for your honesty, I definitley do need to take my own advice and I appreciate your own advice to do that. Also you hit it right on that acting out in faith is the true measure, James talks about the need for faith and deeds and hwo we can't go on with jsut one of them.