Tuesday, December 29, 2009

By Faith

I saw this verse a while back when I was reading Hebrews and it occurred to me that while wanting to post about it I never did, so here are my thoughts on Hebrews 11: 1. I wrote many posts on faith this past year, sometimes too many but it was on my mind and that’s what a blog is for right, writing my thoughts? Well here's one more. So here is the verse, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” In other words it means sureness of something, not knowledge, not a compilation of evidence, not a picture, just sureness in our hearts. I used to want God to come down in a heavenly host with angels and whatnot so I could whip out my camera and save the picture for a rainy day. I now realize that is highly unlikely and that God came down to me in other ways. On way He connected with me was through books, tons of books just appeared to me out of nowhere, like I’d be sitting in church and it would be there, or I’d be in school and it would be there. God have me hope in the summer, hope for a better day and He gave me faith, faith that in the future He would be there. That’s faith; holding on to what you believe and know is true in your heart. I know I already used the example of 2004 Red Sox, but think of all those fans holding on to the hope of a better year yet not having the physical evidence to “prove” that the Sox will end their World Series drought. Following this verse there is a list of people who lived by faith, who had the strength to devote their lives to God, holding on to His promise.

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