Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pretty Far

How far is the east from the west? Sounds like a strange question but I was reading Psalm 103 and came across verse 12 “as far as the east is from the west, so far as He removed our transgressions from us.” That’s pretty far, immeasurable actually, if you were to try to go east as far as you could from the west you would eventually end up where you started only to keep going again, forever. That is the amazing grace that was realized in the Gospel, that God can take us who are sinful and throw our sins away so far that they are behind us. In the “Our Father” prayer Jesus taught us it asks God to forgive us as we forgive the sins of others but I had a thought, aren’t we also to forgive ourselves. Repentance comes from the Greek word (I think) that means to change our minds, and dwelling on the past only dooms us to revisit it. Not to say that we should forget the past and therefore not learn from it, but the point is that God literally forgets our sins, if He didn’t then the cross wouldn’t have meant much at all, but it is through Jesus’ sacrifice that we are forgiven and our sins are forgotten. That truly is an amazing miracle.

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