Thursday, February 23, 2012

Yes We do Matter

One of the great uses of social media, I found a very interesting website. A friend posted a link to this site which shows the scale of the universe. You can scroll through the window to either shrink or expand your viewpoint. One thing that astounds me is the immense complexity of our world. You can scroll from something as small as an atom to as big as the visible universe. Another interesting note is how small we really are when compared to everything else in the universe. Think about it, there are billions of stars, galaxies, and planets out there. Not to bring everyone down here, but we are really small considering everything out there. Some may point to that and say that man is insignificant and doesn’t matter, but I say that it just goes to show how miraculous God’s love really is. Think, God made a universe so big we can’t comprehend its size, and He cares so much about us to shower us with love, watch over us, and send His son to die for our sins. Doesn’t that just amaze you? I still can’t wrap my mind around that fact, that God loves us so much, despite how insignificant we are when compared to everything else out there, that He would make the ultimate sacrifice. This Lenten season, just try to focus on that. Yes it is hard to give something up for forty days, but think about all that Jesus did for us, how He sacrificed His life for ours when He really didn’t have to. God’s love is beyond our understanding, but I sure am glad that He loves us so much as He does.

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