Saturday, September 8, 2012

Rely on Him

Where do you get your strength? I realize that this is a very provocative question; many people don’t like to be asked what they find strength in and why they do. Yet it is and important question to know the answer to because it tells a lot about us and our character. So where do you get your strength: from your physical appearance, athletic ability, intellect, charm, wit? What gives you confidence to go out into the world and say “get ready, because here I come!”? Well, I hardly utter such a statement, but I do have an underlying confidence that gives me the ability to keep going on and attempt the impossible. I get my strength from God, or at least I try to keep Him as my sole source of confidence. I consider myself smart, and very physically fit, but those things don’t matter to me. Sure, it gives you a boost to walk into the gym knowing you are strong, or write something for all to see knowing you have an ability to write. But is that it? What if I broke my leg, or worse? Where would my physical strength go? Or suppose I was in a car accident and lost my intellect, or what will happen when I gradually lose it in my old age? Will I no longer be strong, will I no longer be “worth it”? When you put your strength in God then all those things don’t matter. It doesn’t matter what your GPA in college was, how many homeruns you hit in your last season, or how much you can bench press. In the end, God isn’t impressed by those things, and they never last. Some day I won’t be physically fit, intellectually sharp, or athletic, but that doesn’t mean I have lost my value as a person. God made you, you. He handcrafted you right from the beginning, that is why you matter. It’s not what you can contribute to the world so much as the fact that you are living in it. Sure accomplishments are great, but they don’t really mean much in the long run. All that matters is if God was your “#1” and how you lived your life with Him in mind.

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