Monday, December 27, 2010

Got to Love Google Earth Part II

I’m sure many are wondering why I posted three pictures from space on my blog, so here is my answer. Those three images could be seen (with the aid of a very good telescope) right outside my house and were taken from the “Google Earth/Sky” application on my computer. So why am I posting these images, well aside from the fact that they are very cool I can’t help but look at the Google Sky, seeing everything out there, and think how amazing the universe is. All that stuff about planets, nebulas, stars, black holes – it’s really cool for the lack of a better word. It can leave you speechless. Added to that to think that God designed it all, that He drew up the plans and dimensions and thought up the physics behind it, it is astounding. Looking at the world around me I cannot help but look to the heavens also, seeing these pictures I cannot help but notice God’s fingerprints in my life.

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