Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Welcome Home Charlie

It is with great joy that I welcome Charlie, possibly the most adorable Bernese Mountain Dog puppy, into my family. There was a lot of controversy concerning the name; other choices were Leo, Jack, Brewster, and Brando. However, Charlie was the name we could all agree on and it fits very well. As puppies go Charlie is a dream come true in that he is extremely smart, friendly, and quiet. So far he does not whine very much, doesn’t nip, and loves to explore the house and its inhabitants. He reminds me so much of Dutch, our elder dog who passed away at the age of 7 while I was in Belize. It is a picture of him that I chose for my profile photo two years ago. Dutch was a fantastic dog, I could write countless posts, maybe books, about all the great times we shared. At the same time I am happy to get Charlie who I am sure will grow up to be just as gentle, loving, protective, and personable as Dutch was. It is a bittersweet moment, bitter in that I am reminded of the loss of a dear friend, yet holding a sleeping eight week old puppy in my arms can turn a bad day around. I’ll post many pictures later once my camera battery charges fully.

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