Sunday, December 4, 2011

Where is the Love?

I have to admit, I am not the most loving person. Sure I can be very nice to people, but I often find myself judging others or being quick to take offense to wrongs against me. God taught me a lot about love last year when I nearly lost the thing that mattered most to me, and lately He’s been teaching me a great deal. 1 Corinthians 13 says love is the greatest, it even goes as far to say that out of faith, hope, and love, love matters the most. I’ve been reading the Gospels, and the one thing that stands out to me is how loving Jesus is. They say that God is love, and that the Bible is His love letter to mam, I’ll buy that. In everything Jesus does it is out of His love for those around Him. Sure He rebukes people, but never once does He judge, push away, ignore, or hold a grudge against anyone. That is what unconditional love looks like, and that is what this world desperately needs. In a time where war, starvation, divorce, and crime rates are all up we find ourselves missing out on one huge thing: God’s love. I never really gave much thought to the effect that my actions had on those around me. Sure I thought about the “Golden Rule” and did my best to be nice, but I never realized that the things I say or do can have a very real effect. As a Christian I am a representative of God, it is my greatest hope (and fear that I may fail) that when people see me they see the love and tenderness of God. Through me God can do His good work, and love others. When I act out in anger, selfishness, jealousy, or cruelty what effect does that have on those around me? How do I show the love of God? How can I possibly bring the Gospel to world with a God shaped hole in its heart? The answer: I can’t. If you think being a Christian is all about following a set of rules, well good luck all you’ll end up with is a tired soul and a bitter heart. It is so much more than that; it is about loving others, loving others unconditionally. That means not taking offense easily, forgiving those that hurt us, and turning the other cheek. It is not easy, but the reward is sweet. Lately God has taught me a lot about loving others unconditionally, and with that going forward I now have a better understanding of what God is like, and how He expects me to represent Him in His world.

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