Monday, April 30, 2012

What do You Trust in?

Well I am leading FCA tonight for its last meeting, which means I get to test out what I am going to say right here. Lately I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about security. Not national or home security, and not run security (it’s a baseball thing) either. I’ve been thinking about security as a person. What do you put your trust in? Do you put it in your job, your home, or financial assets? Maybe your golf game? For younger people, do you put it in your relationships, social status, physical appearance, or grades?  When you put your security and faith in the wrong things you often end up getting hurt very badly. You end up facing defeat, and leave unsatisfied. I was struggling to think of a verse that applies here, mainly because there are so many. One verse stood out in my mind though, Psalm 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, and ever-present help in trouble.” That was one of my favorite verses once I read it; it says so much that we can take into our lives. While things of this world may fade, God is “ever-present.” He never leaves and He never fails. If you put your trust in God you will never be disappointed, you may have to wait a bit but you won’t walk away lost. I admit that there are times (heck, many times) where I put my trust in other things, and I ALWAYS end up lost. It’s really easy to fall for tricks though, it’s really easy to desire immediate satisfaction from the things around us, but it never lasts. This week try to think about what you put your trust in, and if you find that it is something other than God pray about. I know that last part is cliché, but God always answers prayers and will take everything you give to Him. God is good, trust in Him for all your needs.


Steve Finnell said...

you are invited to follow my new blog

Anonymous said...


Pride is such an obstacle to trusting in the Lord, which is why I guess God allows hardships in our life so that we deal with things that we can't do on our own. But it is at times of surrender that we can experience true worship and it is such an awesome experience.

love dad