Thursday, October 16, 2008

He Broke Our Chains

In my writing class we’ve been talking a lot about abstract subjects, one of my favorite topics was morality, and then what a good person is. I’m going to focus on the question of what a good person is. I wrote an essay on this, and because it was over two pages I won’t rewrite it here because you as a reader probably don’t really want to read my essay, and I wouldn’t either but that’s not the point, the point is what is a good person? In my essay I concluded that because morality is God’s law it is good, and if someone were to follow the law he must be good. From that we can conclude that we aren’t good from the beginning and become good (more on this later). But here’s the problem, honestly who has obeyed every aspect of the law? Who here is perfect? Simple answer, no one. That’s Jesus’ point when He talks to the rich man and points out he still lacks something- to think we can be perfect and follow the law at all times is legalism, and definitely not what God wants from us. But then an amazing thing happened, God sent His son down to earth for us. He was put on a fixed trial, and then beaten beyond belief and then died on the cross. We were dead by the law, and then had life through Christ. That is the beauty of what God did to us. Imagine that, if you had to be perfect to get into Heaven, and God graciously lent us a hand and picked us out of the pit. It’s not what a good person is, but what a redeemed person is.

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