Friday, October 17, 2008

Never Alone

I wrote a post in August titled “why does it have to hurt?” and now I’d like to add to it. I came to the conclusion that I don’t know why suffering is in the world, I know as a result of sin and the devil entering the world suffering came a long too, but I didn’t have an answer to the “tough” questions and I still don’t. I will only add this, not as a way to make anyone feel better about themselves, but as a message of hope to those who don’t have any. God understands what we’re going through when we suffer because He too suffered. Jesus went through the agony of having one person literally sell him out and eleven others running away, one of them, the most faithful, denying Him. He then was put on a mock trial, beaten beyond understanding, had His beard plucked out, and was forced to carry His cross to be humiliated in front of the entire city of Jerusalem. He then was crucified on the cross and watched His clothes be gambled away, only to be mocked more by the roman guards. I do not mean to “gross you out” if I did I am sorry, what I am trying to do is show you that when we suffer God understands us because He went through it too. Jesus was killed and abandoned, God watched sitting on His hands as His son was crucified. He understands our pain. When we suffer we aren’t alone, we’re never alone. Through the light and darkness God is never too far away. I don’t know why we suffer, and if anyone who reads this is suffering I’m sorry but there is no “cure all” solution, only an answer, and that is Jesus. I can only say one thing, God loves you, and He knows what you’re going through. One more thing to remember, it is not always the fact that we may suffer, but how we react to it that matters.

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