Monday, October 27, 2008

You Can't Live In Church

I don’t know about you, but I’ve heard the people tell me to stay “constantly in prayer” and “always worship God.”These concepts sounded foreign, like something only monks up on high mountains have time to do. I never knew how live my life solely for God, how to eat for Him, god to school for Him, study for Him, play baseball for Him, how? Well it goes back to the question “what is worship?” To anyone who thinks worship is getting up at 7:00 on a Sunday, driving to a church, singing some songs, and listening to a sermon for an hour I just have to say THAT’S BORING! And it’s not worship. Too often we see worship as watching the Red Sox game. We get in and are hyped up and we sit and watch and leave. NO! Worship should be like playing in the game, being involved, and to do that you can’t sit in a church all day. Church is the body of believers, the body of Christ and worship is what we do as the body of believers. I’ll encourage you to look into your church ministries, mission trips, youth ministries, Bible studies, small groups, praise bands, cooking, even something like handing out bulletins every Sunday. And why stop at Church? Look into your own community: soup kitchens, visiting shut-ins, and that’s not all (who feels this is sounding like one of those infomercials?) any small act, anything that you can do to shine the light of Christ in your community, any act that glorifies God is worship. So I encourage you to be active, to wake up and say “How can I represent Christ today?” to look at everyone as a creation of God and to share the good news with others, that is true worship, and that is how you can “always worship God”.

1 comment:

ned said...

Tyler - well said my friend. I was reading Ephesians today - i read ahead of the sermons - it said 'be very careful then how you live, not as unwise, but as wise....always giving thanks to God the Father for everything'. Its like you are saying, if we were to be in church all the time, it would get old. but we can live constantly in a state of giving thanks to God for everything.