Monday, October 27, 2008

Ocean Views Aren't That Great

We are at a frightening time in our country, as we face severe economic troubles that are of great concern to everyone; but the greater concern comes from those who find security in their wallets, not their hearts. I was listening to a song “American Dream” by Casting Crowns (great band by the way), but any way it got me thinking. Has anyone built a sandcastle? (If you haven’t you’re missing out on some fun). Sand castles, although fun to build are also tedious to create; once you build the base and the towers and a wall, and a moat, it will often fall apart and crumble to the ground, or the next day you find your creation, your magnificent kingdom gone! Swept away by the sea and wind, all those hours wasted. When we find security in our wealth it can be like that. Life is all fine when you’re building your castle, and when you’re king, but when the storm comes, the wind knocks you down, and when the sea eats you up, you come back the next day devastated to see that your kingdom is gone, and that is when life turns around on us. That is when we see that the walls of a bank are not made of solid concrete but made of sand. Jesus dealt with this when He said “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy…” (Matthew 6: 19) and “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you” (Matthew 6: 33). If we put our security in something that will rust, something that can be lost or stolen we’re left with nothing when a storm comes by, but if we can put our security, our faith, store up our treasure in Heaven then we are truly secure. Money will be either spent or lost, stocks will go up and down, but God’s love and His gift to us will never change, and He will always be there for us.


mbpbooks said...

wonderful truths here and once again, I'll never see a sand castle without remembering your beautiful analogy

Mark Scionti said...

12 years later, another financial crisis and health crisis that tests our limits, but God’s lover for us is still here, and that will never change. Thank you T, this is a helpful now as it was back then