Sunday, January 11, 2009

Can You Hear Him Now? Good.

If I could give only one piece of advice on how to grow spiritually it would be to read your Bible. The Bible is God’s word and by reading it we are spending time with Him, we are hearing His voice. In the business of life we can sometimes lose track of things. One of the main problems with daily devotions is just that, they are daily. They become routine it’s like in Groundhog Day when Bill Murray knows exactly when everything is going to happen, we start to expect them. The daily devotions themselves are not wrong they are actually a good thing it is our approach to them that is wrong. A problem I have had and seems widespread is to read the Bible to just get through it, to finish it. As I’ve seen when you do that it gets boring, you start skimming through the non-action parts and not understand it fully. What does this have to do with what I started out with? I have often marveled at the ability to hear God’s voice, it is an ability that has eluded me. I don’t mean that I can’t hear at all, just not all the time it’s like a radio it can be clear one minute and full of static the next. With the business of life combined with sin we can get lost and lose that connection. So why is my one piece of advice to read the Bible? When we spend time in God’s word we understand Him we recognize His voice. We end up growing closer to Him and then the static starts to fade and we hear just His voice. Jesus stated to the Pharisees in John that He is the good shepherd and that His sheep recognize His voice. This year if we are to grow spiritually if we are to recognize His voice we must first spend time in His word, if I could add one thing to mu piece of advice it would be this: read the Bible, and read it as it is, God’s voice speaking to you.

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