Wednesday, January 7, 2009

There's the bubble boy!

Have you ever seen the Seinfeld episode with the “bubble boy”? I got a good laugh out of it but also thought, in a way we can be “bubble people”. We all sin; there is no denying it but what happens when we live in our sin? Of course we’re all in a way living in sin but I mean living in the way of accepting. There is a popular “why bother” belief going on that says that it is okay to sin and that we will be forgiven and it is all okay. Well I say that is wrong and it makes bubble people. We are forgiven but it is not okay to sin. When we live in our sin we cut ourselves off from God, sure we still go to church and read our Bibles but we are separated. This separation is much worse than the brick wall I wrote about before because it is a transparent barrier unnoticeable (sounds like some kind of medical diagnosis). We end up walking in bubbles, separated from God, but not really. Something I’ve been doing this year is memorizing Bible verses, (I cannot stress the importance of this enough) and a verse that stuck out to me is Galatians 5: 16 “So I say live by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of sinful nature.” We are not to live our lives accepting our sin, we will sin there isn’t much avoiding it but we are not to accept it into our lives we can’t let it be a part of us. When we let sin in our lives we cut ourselves off from God, I say that this year we pop our bubbles and experience the life that Jesus offers.

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