Sunday, April 5, 2009

The true King

Well today is Palm Sunday which means this Friday is Good Friday and next Sunday is Easter. I always liked Palm Sunday, I remember when I was younger that I would get a bunch of Palm leaves to wave around and how my dad would make me crosses out of them. Sometimes we can walk away like that, we get our palm leaves listen to a sermon about how Jesus came to Jerusalem and leave, but as I sat in the pew and listened I had a thought. When I stop to think about what happened some odd 2000 years ago it is truly mind blowing, the excitement must have resembled the parade in Boston after the Sox won the World Series. King David was Israel’s second king after him Israel slowly went downhill. There was a civil war that split the north and south, idol worship, and eventually the Armenians and Babylonians came in and took over. Now shift the focus about 500 years, you’re walking down the road and suddenly you hear a loud cheering, and then a man on a donkey turns the corner and you see people waving palm fronds and setting down their coats praising him “Hosanna to the Son of David”. Jesus came to establish God’s kingdom, He fulfilled the promise God made to David, Herod may think he is king, the Romans may think they are in charge but Jesus came to defy that. In the sermon today the pastor commented that this entry signified peace; Jesus didn’t come to condemn His people but to save them, He is the true King. It’s like the post I wrote earlier Jesus is our Savior but also our Lord, when the Jews thought of the Messiah they imagined a fierce warrior that would overthrow the Romans but that is not the Savior God had in mind, Jesus is the King but not the political giant people thought of but King of our hearts. God sent His son on the cross to draw us near to Him, so that we may enjoy a relationship with Him and a life with Him it’s up to us to follow.

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