Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Behind the Scenes Moves to Center Stage

I have just finished reading Esther and am now starting Job. One thing that struck me about Esther was that even though God’s name is not mentioned, His presence is undeniable. It also reminds me of how times can be nowadays. We all have those days when God just seems miles away, and no matter how hard we try we can’t hear His voice. Esther deals with that, the study notes in my Bible say that we can conclude that Esther and her relatives are not very religious, which may be why God is not mentioned. But the book is full of those “how about that” coincidences, those “just in time” events. Sometimes in life God can seem pretty far away, and even uninvolved in our lives, but one thing we’ve got to remember is even though we don’t hear His voice booming down from a mountaintop, He is still working “behind the scenes” in our lives ad is always with us. Also this is also a message of faith, even if you’re not a perfect saint, or super close to God He still has a plan for you and loves you. God’s love isn’t divided between Christians and non-Christians; He loves His people and even though we may sin against Him and disappoint Him He still loves us and desires a relationship with us and for us to be more like Him.

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