Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Did They Win?

Unfortunately due to the increased workload and lack of a T.V. I have not been able to watch much of the Sox lately. However, that changed last night when I went to a game with my uncle and a friend. All I can say is I feel out of the loop. Never have I seen Fenway Park so angry, the whole place (which was ¾ full) buzzed like a swarm of bees. Yeah Lackey was terrible, but even in the offensive surge there were few cheers. In April or May when Lowrie hit that bomb to left there would have been music playing and everyone would have stood up clapping. Instead the ballpark remained silent, as if 3 runs weren’t good enough. I remember in April when I went to Beckett’s 2nd start of the season, when he pitched 7 or 8 innings and shut down the Jays. Now that was a game, that was excitement. Last night it felt like someone let the air out of the bag, it was like all of Fenway was punched in the gut and still reeling back. All I can say is that if the Sox are going to keep on winning they need the support of the fans, they need the atmosphere that makes Fenway truly magical, not just another ballpark. 2nd, it’s just a baseball game, whatever happened to the simple joy of getting a sausage and pepper sandwich, a coke, a box of cracker jack, and watching the game? Win or lose the Sox are my team, any game I get a chance to go to is a blessing (and an excuse not to do work).

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