Friday, September 2, 2011

1st Post at HC

So far my time at Holy Cross has been very good, a few notes though on my spirituality. When away from home there are always endless temptations and sorrows. I miss my family, dogs, and home cooking. I have no one to tell me when I’m wrong, when to go to bed, or when to go to church. Despite all this I have found that I am growing closer to God, not farther away. The fact that I am, for the most part, on my own means that I must rely so much more on God than before. When I was at home I relied on my parents for support, and my own strength as well. Here, there is no one to rely on by God. I’m not sure whether it is the spiritual presence that God has here, or that fact that I need Him more, but the past few days have been a spiritual rise for me. I know full well that, as always, the devil will do everything he can to trip me up and take me from God’s hands, but I also know this, nothing can ever separate me from the love of God or take away my faith. I will face disappointment, pain, and heartache as time goes on, but what I won’t experience is the loss of God’s light and the hope for His presence in my life. My blogging will subside as the school year continues, I am used to posting 10, sometimes 15 times a month. It is my fear that the average may decline down to 5-10. Either way it has been an incredible ride and the journey has just begun. For now, I have some homework that must be attended to.

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