Monday, September 26, 2011

Strength in Numbers

So I heard a very interesting message yesterday in church, especially applicable considering what I’ve been going through. A couple big points for what’s been going on in my mind lately. First off, if I could sum up the past week it’s in one phrase: it’s all about God. That’s it. It’s not about me, not how strong I am, how athletic I am, how smart I am, what brands I wear, how good looking I am, how well my team is doing… I could go on forever, because very often we do. Far too often we all base out self worth on stuff that really does not matter. In God’s eyes that whole list doesn’t matter, and why doesn’t it matter? Well, simply put, because God loves us, because He gave us His Son Jesus to dies for our sins. We have that grace, that is what truly matters. It is through God we can do all things. My favorite verse has always Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Outside of that, nothing matters. Without God I am an 18-year-old kid trying to make sense of the world. It is through Jesus I find my strength and who I really am. By no means is this grace “free” yes it is freely given to those who freely accept it, but it was bought at a price for us, and God paid that price in full. It is not by the laws, but by Jesus we are saved (I think Paul said something to that effect). Through that grace we can live as God commanded us and we can do anything. In the end it all goes back to God. Apart from God we can’t do anything, but through Him we can accomplish the unimaginable. I’ve been reading the Sermon on the Mount; it’s heavy stuff I can’t lie. But through God’s grace we can live as Jesus commanded, it just takes a little faith. My life hasn’t been easy, so these words haven’t been easy to write, but they are eternal truths that God reveals to me time after time and won’t relent until they are written on my heart. While it may be painful to be reminded, I thank God for being there to remind me when I need it most.

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