Sunday, September 11, 2011


I would like to take this time to write a prayer for all those affected by the disaster on 9/11/01. It is easy to get sucked into the petty things of life, the Red Sox, quiz grades, bickering with the people around you. Yet at times like this we realize that there has to be something more to life than the day to day that we go through. A friend said that even though we have a capacity for evil, we also have a capacity for love, and because of that God will always win in the end. I pray for those affected, whether you lost a family member, friend, or just someone you knew. I pray that God give us strength, and hope, so that we might rise above this and go forth in His name. I pray that through this God show us His grander purpose, that though the devil devastated our lives God show us how He plans to shine through. I pray that we never forget that a life lived in Christ, no matter how long or short, is a life lived rich in meaning, and that is all that really matters. I pray that God comfort those who mourn, and that they find strength in God. Also, I pray that we come together as brothers and sisters, one body, under Christ. Amen.

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